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Compressed Information, Mental Masturbation (Ghosttown's Ghost train, Heaven's playstation)


Take ET's evil or benevolent

And hang their fucking arses like mary the fucking elephant

Wanna mind control the Hip Hop Master

My names in street lights I didn't walk past

Casket for the chosen one, codename Edna

Cross code alpha beta rhythm senders

Oh the Audacity to alter the beast systematically

Defeating every one of your fucking people

Extract from the beast make a pact with the beast

And the beast bites back cos it has to you freak

So you better take a chill pill while you can G

Cos actually your black death might be blissful

Don't mean to diss you, devils may kiss you

Stick you on the wall consolidate the visual

I'm sick of you cock sucking white boy pricks who

Are fed with a silver spoon now consume my Djinn juice

Compressed information, mental masturbation

Whenever you erase black holes are created

Energy cannot be created or destroyed

It only changes form take a Ride on my ghost train



 -- Michio WolfBlood



YOUNG MONEY INFINITY - Bar Arranger/ Psionic Producer

Eternity Wolfblood


Global Ascension, Vocal Correction - The Black Russian (Returns)

It's the ears, eyes nose mouth and throat specialist

Buffalo sent me a fax suggesting Greys were messing with

Electrical appliances in Gwendolen, grown men meddling

In my net life my ex wife was an ex fed net spy who

Had sex twice with a chick I disliked

Just to inflict spite on a motherfucker

Baby I'm nice on the mic

To Flash mobbing factions

I'm cyber sex shy

I smoke marijuana to assimilate prana

Then begin a strict diet of almond milk and oranges

Brighting tactics and Noise Campaigns

Induce a hibernation to confuse the alien spacecraft's

Who duplicate my sayings

I talk to God through praying over symphonies of Satan

Only to discover V2K tech made me say it

I'm  a part human druid transhumanistic Lunatic

With a daemonic virus hacker sucking up my body fluid

I can freestyle for like two days straight

Even if Cthulhu creatures make my Vocal cords shake

The Power of Nolly Squared is growing by the second

Michio the word doctor Dane the psychic lethal weapon

Who causes your perception to second guess it's own deceptions

David Icke suggested that I relay the message

In Disney Land Paris I manage through horse and carriage

To evade the subliminal hall of mirror channelers

Do you holler orders with reverberating tones?

Are you aware, of tapped earlobes and phones?

An inelegant materialistic, reactive submissive passive aggressive

Sickness in a land where puerile hissy fits and  automatic feats of technicality

Are worshipped like the scriptures

Facts are denied as science may be twisted

No ramifications are you motherfuckers British?

Or some cocksucking dipshit parasitical marshmellow brained

Predictive power-complex addictive self-satisfied egoic-gratified

Racists who don’t state it cos you're scared shitless of my slickness,

Bow your conscious minds to my lyrical sickness!

Adrenal gland fitness is desired in this instance

Sugar, salt and caffeine are just bites of the biscuit

Alcohol and tap water, cigs and syringes

White on white violence by visionless misfits

In a world where Dane Wolfblood observes and takes part

In sophisticated studies about man's natural rhythms

Call it melatonin magic or faggot weather manipulation

Poor english skills without recycled nostalgic stereotypy and utter disregard for the language

My complex idiomatic, thoughtful, romantic, rap style condemns spastics

To a life of burger bars, plastic surgery and arranged marriages

Sorry Mrs Spears, I was right in my last thesis on Darwinian selection and state of perfection

Do you observe reality through special specs, do you recycle old subjects without progression

I prefer Trance Music to Pop shit, Hip Hop but love forbidden Reggae

Nick Bostrom's encrypted intranet in Highcross where hive minds concoct plots to sanitize their weed spots

And trip on 'E hot dogging sigil bars that we clock

Clock mileage indicates your infinite is weak prof.

Give me a week off with Nolly and some E-dub

Double the digits would mean triple the spirits

And square root the pressure I APPLY PER LYRIC

5 HTP and LSD is their vision of heaven cubed

In a hyper cube facility I mediate my WEB Room.


Ronaldinho (Left) - True technique over any particular style or persona; Natural law, "Nazi-esque" Imagery, self-glorification, helping hands, hidden machinery, substance "aids", cults of mass worship and SFX or Disney "product hype" media intervention. Only a shame there aren't more like him. Britney, Eminem and Young Money on the other hand.... <cough...erm> ... Ghostwritten, meaningless, mindless tripe for Earth's truly lower vibrational. Word to the wise - choose Good Idols. Information travels quickly these days, times have changed. Subliminal messaging is all the rage, whilst England and even America are struggling to keep up with the universe's true technocrats  - PIERRE LITTBARSKI (God of Knowledge, Enforcer of Karma)

The Punter's Lounge (Devil's Advocate 8.2) -- Where money is made and mind games are played - !?


42 queenos on The Whites (R-Madrid) @ 11/4 -- did it for the 5'7 lads -- Messi and co. Visiting the city soon, should be good. Forwarding the £40 I won from the Atletico/Real 2nd leg.--- Dane Wolfblood


Do you believe in the Law of Attraction or the Law of Opposites? --- EW


A Combination of both, plus foul play --- Dane Wolfblood


Who's your hunch? --- EW


Bayern - no doubt. Watching the game tonight vs Barca, should be interesting, think Messi will really accelerate for the next of the tournament. --- Dane Wolfblood


Buffalo thought the Madrid players weren't really trying in the Match over at Juventus Stadium. - The-Black-Russian


Yeah, the whole tournament seems rather half-hearted but Real will win it for a surprising 2nd time in a row. Cristiano has favour right around this time and even when he misses he scores, as if there were fans and magnets around the boot/ball/stadium/goal --- Pierre Littbarski


мур2р.eu/ Is Where I Catch the games, It's essentially a mirroring site and allows viewer interaction. Population reduction is the en vogue thing right now for the high callers. It's easy to get sucked into the game and miss the game itself, comes from Rome - The Buffalo Man




Just Heard the Latest news about CERN - Many are raving about it being somewhat of an End-Of-Times Time Manipulation based ET weapon of sorts to condition the masses into a sort of dog-eat-dog black hole soul consumption. But also, they say that the correct knowledge and metaphysical thought appllication allows mass communication with technological "thought-forms" and even Live TV. 


£42 on Madrid for CL at 11/4


£25 on the Pain of Pregnancy being found out to be way underrated because biology, not least technology, has so many loopholes and considering the current state of water, food, cigarettes, oxygen, supplements, pharm drugs and such --- at 55/9


£10 on Katy Perry's next video being about androgony, transexuality or Monarch mind control @ 11/9


A Fiver on the European Sport Scientist "High-Callers" actually realizing that the British not only lack technique, creativity, patience, rhythm, natural beauty and any sense of "transhumanism" but most of them actually feed off of the testosterone/ melanin of the Minority races lecherously @ 25/15. Nothing at all on them actually giving a shit.


...And £190 on Kane never regaining his old physical structure after the fiasco with Seth Rollins on Raw substantiating Buffalo's theory on WWE wrestler shape-shifting almost undeniably @ a measly 5/27



...Have a good one - Pierre !!





The Nazis knew the power of football. They encouraged folks to play it and oversaw the proliferation of clubs across the country, all part of their efforts to build a fit, regimented nation. Before it flourished under the Reich, however, football was first broken apart and reorganised, with the worker- and church-run clubs abolished and replaced by outfits run along lines more in keeping with the Nazi movement...

"Football is in fact the devil. I used to be a man of observation, now I'm a man of counteraction and reversing calculated Irish and Scottish syndicates to free up psionic and thaumaturgic energies in the 'old flat. When you make a bet, bets are made on you. You can make money this way, you just have to be patient, a lot of rappers and artists have tailor-fitted bank balances which don't last. It's like the stocks. The 'old memory deserts me. Drugs are a mugs game. Prefer a half bottle of some cheap whiskey, a pack of Royals and a cosy night in with BetVictor." --- Andy G. Wolfblood, Rangers Fan

Was bored so put a few quid on the Hawks who host the Wizards tomorrow @ 1/4. Should come off , much like Wolfblood's Madrid wager -- Pierre

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