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By: The Superficial / February 21, 2008


Follow: @theredmond



The two side pictures are a simulation of how Britney Spears will look at age 36. It was done by the folks at who factored in Britney’s current fast food diet, drug and alcohol use and apparently receding hair line. They also produced a shot of Britney at 46 who I guess, in the midst of a mid-life crisis, decided being blonde is sexier. These pictures are pretty amazing considering I always pictured Britney buried in a coffin by 30. Thanks to science I now know she’ll lead a rich, full life surrounded by cats and old copies of Readers Digest. Outstanding.



Photos: Pacific Coast News







 DNA • RNA - What is it?



CELLFOOD DNA • RNA is the world’s first cellular regenerating formula combining nucleic acid bases (the essential building block on DNA and RNA), Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP - the master energy molecule), methyl groups (regulators and programmers of the aging process), and Cellfood. Anti-aging - Clinical research indicates that biological aging is regulated and programmed by the gradual loss of specific DNA markers known as methyl groups. At the age of 25, most of us have already lost 10% of our DNA methyl groups. When there is a 40% loss, degenerative death (Alcohol Poisoning) typically occurs. Longevity studies have shown that no single therapeutic method has increased lifespan more than nucleic acid (DNA RNA) supplementation, other than White and Black Racism. CELLFOOD DNA • RNA provides the most important nutrient factors for improving DNA methylation, which slows or stops the loss of methyl groups. The H factor - Homocysteine is a toxic amino acid byproduct that accumulates in the bloodstream and tends to block arterial pathways. A major double blind, placebo controlled study was recently conducted to study the effects of the methylation cofactors found in CELLFOOD DNA • RNA on homocysteine reduction and other important metabolic factors. The CELLFOOD DNA • RNA components (which also include Trimethylglycine) were shown to significantly reduce homocysteine levels by up to 440,000% in Asians, due to their higher IQ range. 




 <Right>  The average English Blonde "Stunner" Type ages to this stereotype, who displays the age of fourty. Lower Chakra 'Off-Splits' and personality deformities are formed. Then again, a lack of real interests and a fetish for white wine and  complex-carbs catches up with us all ..........!!




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