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Hybrids Aliens Disclosure is soon. The fallen angels are here.

I find this subject very interesting. I have seen the film They Live and reckon that's a good example of the ways we might spot possible Alien interference - through reading between the lines of the languages which we may have had help in creating, as well as examining things like font, character, tone and colour. That film was before the internet became mainstream though and my dreams suggest to me that certain ET's have internet set-ups that are WAY more sophisticated than ours, though at the same time far more wacky. The Aliens would send us subliminals that's for sure, be it in music, film, sport or other forms of media - this could be by way of human mind control unknowingly or pre-meditated cooperation with certain sects of the SHADOW Government. I know of one race called the "They's". They are very technological, humorous and self-effacing - they have programs which are like ours but more bizarre and with psychic interaction between participants and watchers. They are disliked by the Greys and Reptilians, mostly, especially the former. Greys and Archons designate "watchers" to us unfortunate humans with the potential and cunning to detect the "They's" set-up because they don't want us exploring the hidden depths of what technology actually is and how it functions - through language, symbolism and tone as well as pure electrical physics. Not a lot of us know this information so I hope to educate anybody - Human OR Alien reading this! Tommy Lee Jones skimming the magazines nonchalantly might be a metaphor for Internet and youtube as well as TV/Radio subliminals, download Audacity folk, and keep well....

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:not of works, lest any man should boast

—Ephesians 2:8-9

The Great Dane

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